Sanibona, Dumelang,
Molweni, Halloes...

uSisi is my sister and yours, our friend and partner. uSisi gets you.
uSisi is with you, by your side, wanting the best for you.

That means we aim to help you eat well and be well.
To live lekker: healthily, joyfully, deliciously!


Beetroot Infused Salt Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.
- 19%

Ginger and Tumeric Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.

White Peppercorn Grinder

Original price was: R46.95.Current price is: R40.00.

Fishy Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.

Daily Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.

Mjojo Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.

Haibo Hot Grinder

Original price was: R42.95.Current price is: R35.00.